
Plum blackberry crumble pie, Mama ía blog

Plum and Blackberry Crumble Pie, ahead of Spring break

Plum blackberry crumble pie, Mama ía blogThe farmers markets haven’t opened in Fort Wayne, and yet, I can find almost every fruit that I can think of at the store. They are obviously not local, but I’m having a hard time staying away from them. And plums have a sweet spot in my heart (check this post, where I explain it in more detail), so I couldn’t help but get some. I was thinking (more…)

Plum and almonds cake, Mama ía blog

Plums and Almonds Cake, an evocative combination

Plum and almonds cake, Mama ía blog

There once was a field planted with orange trees, rows upon rows of orange trees, that soaked up the sun most every day of the year. One large round basin kept a watchful eye, collecting both well and rain water, and letting it go, flooding the fields where the orange trees lived. The trees grew blossoms that perfumed the air, that turned into oranges that hung from the trees, clusters of them, weighing the branches, until harvest, around Christmas time.

Plum and almonds cake, Mama ía blog (more…)