
Salmorejo, Mama ía blog

Salmorejo —and seven hours in Madrid

Salmorejo, Mama ía blogWe are enjoying the last of the tomatoes, for tomato season is (almost) over. I had been holding on to posting the recipe for salmorejo until we got really good tomatoes, and now the season is slipping away. No matter, I made salmorejo with the last of the good tomatoes and here you have the recipe. Save it until next summer.

Salmorejo, Mama ía blogPlaza Mayor Madrid, Mama ía blog

But what is salmorejo, you ask? Salmorejo  (pronounced sahl-moh-reh-hoh) is, simply put, (more…)

Tomato and onion salad, Mama ía

Tomato and Onion Salad with Olives, always reliable

dsc_0479webI was hesitant to post the recipe for tomato and onion salad with olives, because honestly, it can’t really be called a recipe. After all, I’m just slicing and tossing together ingredients, there’s no elbow grease, not much elaboration, and the key is in the ingredients, which have to be of the best quality. But when I think about salads in general, (more…)