Flan caramel, Mama ía blog

Flan Caramel, A Classic

Flan caramel, Mama Ía blogFlan, or flan caramel, is one of those desserts I, and everyone my age, grew up with. Actually, it could be the dessert we grew up with. Every mom, every household, would make it, with just slight variations in the recipe. And not only at home, but every restaurant menu would have it, together with peach or pineapple “en almíbar”, in syrup, and different flavors of ice cream, most often chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. When I say this, I don’t mean that flan is an “old” dessert, made long ago, and that has been replaced by others in the 21st-century. Not at all! In fact, flan is a classic that never goes out of style, and shares restaurant menus with many other newer, fancy desserts.

Franke Park bike trails, Mama ía blog


Rabo de toro, Oxtail, Mama ía blog

Braised Oxtail, Rabo de Toro, Cows and Cattle

Rabo de toro, Oxtail, Mama ía blog

A few months ago, I posted a recipe for oxtail, a traditional Spanish dish (you can click here to check it out). However, back then I couldn’t find oxtail, but I was set on to making the dish, so I settled with short ribs, and the result was really delicious, a good substitution for sure. But last week, at my regular supermarket, I found them!

Vacuno, Mama ía blog
