A treat from Andalusia, made usually during Lent and easter.

Pestiños, an Andalusian Lent and Easter treat

Pestiños, Mama Ía blogWith the end of the season of Lent and the beginning of that of Easter, I bring you a Spanish treat typical of this season, pestiños. Don’t ask me to translate it, because I would have a hard time doing it. You’ll have to call it by its original name, and I will help you pronounce it: pehs-teen-yohs. 

Holy Week in Spain, Mama Ía blog

Holy Week processions in Sevilla. Holy Wednesday, Hermandad del Baratillo – Brotherhood of Baratillo

Pestiños, Mama Ía blog

The season calls for Lent and Easter meals, with meatless, savory ones enjoyed on Fridays and sweet ones (many of them) enjoyed on Easter, when traditionally lenten promises and (more…)

Crunchy artichokes, Mama Ía blog

Crispy artichokes —and the vegetable garden Part 5: the lattice fence and the gate

Crunchy artichokes, Mama Ía blogAlcachofas, artichokes, are probably my mom‘s favorite vegetable. And if you make them using this recipe, it might become your favorite vegetable too. Bye-bye chips! For that touch of crunchiness plus an overdose of flavor, try alcachofas fritas, crispy artichokes, which could easily be called artichoke chips.

Not only are these crispy artichokes so tasty that you will not be able to stop after eating one or two, but they’re also highly nutritious.

Vegetable garden, Mama Ía blog

Ta da! We have a gate

Not only are these crispy artichokes so tasty that you will not be able to stop after eating one or two, but they’re also highly nutritious. Artichokes have (more…)

Romesco sauce and calçots, Mama Ia blog

Romesco sauce with calçots, from Cataluña to the world

Romesco sauce and calçots, Mama Ia blogI’ve been wanting to post the recipe for salsa romesco —or rather, salsa romesco con calçots, romesco sauce with calçots—, for a while. So when I spotted some very fat green onions at the market last week, I knew I had to make a calçotada at home. And what a happy coincidence that calçots are now in season in Spain! A mostly winter or very early spring dish, it was also very appropriate to make them as we were being buried in snow, as the photos can attest. School as cancelled for the whole week!

Romesco sauce and calçots, Mama Ia blogSnow in Fort Wayne, Mama Ia blog (more…)