Zucchini Layer Cake –and building a Vegetable Garden (Part 2)

Print RecipeZucchini layer cake, Mama Ía blogIf you like carrot cake, you’re going to love zucchini layer cake. The first time I made zucchini loaf bread I couldn’t even imagine you could put zucchini into a dessert. Yet, the result was outstanding. Less known than its cousin the banana nut loaf bread, zucchini bread is one to discover. 

Zucchini cake, Mama Ía blogVegetable garden, Mama Ía blog

For Spaniards, carrot cake is a late discovery, and zucchini loaf bread is a complete unknown. So needless to say, this cake is not a Spanish recipe. You know Mama Ía blog is the place for Spanish cooking in America. But as I say in (more…)